Eighth Annual Laurel Festival (2013) Apr20

Eighth Annual Laurel...

BY INVITATION ONLY — Saturday 18 May 2012 beginning 2pm. 2pm: Picnic by brook.  Various activities will probably run all day.  Call 404-Freedom.  Yes, the artwork is from 2006, but this invite is for 2013. PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN PICNIC FOOD, DRINK, AND PICNIC BLANKET.Be sure to...

Better Design

For ages, the dining room has been adjacent to the kitchen and the master bathroom adjacent to the master bedroom.  However, in your current home, how far must you carry groceries to get them in from the car to the kitchen or pantry?  How far must you carry laundry back and forth between...

EarthCraft House ...

EarthCraft House,™created in 1999, is a residential green building program of the Greater Atlanta Home Builders Association in partnership with Southface. This program serves as a blueprint for energy- and resource -efficient homes. Laurel Brook Lodge is proudly built to EarthCraft House...

Better Construction

A better place to live has solid walls and floors.  The exterior walls provide a draft-free barrier to heat, cold, or noise outside, providing a comfortable, cost effective, and quiet environment inside.  The interior walls and floors don’t bounce or creak or rattle as the family...

Seventh Annual Laurel Festival (2012) May06

Seventh Annual Laure...

BY INVITATION ONLY — Sunday 6 May 2012. 11:30am: Picnic by brook.  Try to arrive BEFORE noon, so it’s less hot out in the open before you walk through the woods to the brook, where it’s much cooler.  Various activities will probably run all day.  404-Freedom.Yes, the...